Pastoral Presence

There is a wise saying in ministry: “you can’t be prophetic unless you are first pastoral.” “Prophetic,” in this context does not mean being able to predict the future, but to be a social critic as were the Old Testament prophets like Amos and Isaiah. If the minister gives the congregation nothing but social or political critiques, it is incomplete. We are all human, and we need to deal with the human side of life. Pastoral connections can be forged in sermons or group meetings or one-on-one occasions such as a hospital visit. As we crawl gingerly out of the Covid era, we are going to have to re-learn some of the social skills we let slide during that era. It requires dedication on the part of clergy and understanding on the part of the parishioners.

A lot of what people are looking for in a church is relief from loneliness. A good pastor recognizes the universality of this need and responds with connection.